south of Milwaukie is almost fully complete?
In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a ton going on around our regional network of trails and multi-use paths* — a.k.a. “The Intertwine“. To help get the public up to speed and foster collaboration and momentum on the projects, Metro and folks behind The Intertwine are hosting their 2nd annual Trails Fair.
The event is coming this Wednesday (4/25) from 1:00 – 3:00 pm (at Metro HQ, 600 NE Grand Ave). From the newly built Trolley Trail down in Milwaukie (yes, it’s almost completed!), to the North Portland Greenway, and many others — this event will be the perfect place to hear the latest news on all the major projects. Metro promises about 40 agencies, non-profits, and trail groups will be on hand with exhibits and experts to share info about their programs and projects.
The event is free and open to the public.
Check out the flyer below:

(*Note: those terms are synonymous in most cases, but I dislike using “trails” because I think it causes people to envision dirt hiking and biking trails and not the major components of our mobility network they actually are.)