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The Monday Roundup

“Experimental” traffic control
devices have been shown to
double the number of
people who yield to bikes.
(Photo: Will Vanlue/BikePortland)

Here’s the news and other cool stuff that caught our eyes this past week…

– A study out of Copenhagen finds a mile traveled by bicycle is a $0.42 economic gain versus a $0.20 loss when driven in a car.

– The CRC highway expansion project continues to lumber forward despite widespread opposition and this past week gave us the first look at exactly how billions of taxpayers dollars will be spent on CRC construction over the next six years.

– Contrary to the opinion of many bicycle helmet proponents, Brtish Columbia’s mandatory helmet law has failed to noticeably reduce collision-related fatalities since it was put in place in 1996.

– There is a push to get more racers involved in bike advocacy with Oregon (and specifically OBRA Executive Director and BTA Board Member Kenji Sugahara) serving as a positive example.

– In Spain, a man was harassed by police and threatened with action by social services when he brought his daughters to school on a bicycle.

– Three women are pedaling 5,000 miles over the course of 3 months to raise awareness of the Safe Routes to School National Partnership.

– Local businesses need not worry when car parking is removed to make room for more customers with bicycles; it turns out people on bikes are better customers than people in cars.

– Officials in Greenwood, Indiana unanimously rejected a proposal to include the city in an interstate bicycle route after they determined some streets in the town are too dangerous for people on bicycles.

– Back in February Portland’s own Bicycle Coordinator Roger Geller spoke to New Zealand bicycle advocates and a video of his presentation is now online.

– The exhibit Bikes! The Green Revolution opened in Chicago and highlights virtually all aspects of the city’s bicycle culture.

– Think you have an expensive bike? You might think again after having a look the world’s most expensive bicycles, some of which cost more than an average 3-bedroom Portland home.

– By 2018 one research group believes the world will see over 47 million e-bikes sold each year, accounting for $11.9 billion in revenue.

– Anyone looking for an inexpensive way to organize their fleet of bikes should look at this extremely simple bike rack made from wood pallets.

– Sharrows and other “experimental” traffic control devices installed on streets in Austin, Texas roughly doubled the number of people in cars who yielded to bicycles.

– Specialized unveiled its entry into the e-bike market, the Specialized Turbo, which boosts your ride up to nearly 30 MPH.

– Trek made huge headlines with the debut of their Domane road bike, which features a nifty rear suspension for added comfort.

– As we begin to enter wedding season, keep this bicycle-themed bridal shower in mind for friends who are pedaling towards the alter.

– And finally, I leave you with this fantastic old photograph found on the Flickr photostream of “spoke sniffer” a.k.a. Bryant Bainbridge.

Did you find something interesting that should be in next week’s Monday Roundup? Drop us a line. For more great links from around the web, follow us on Twitter @BikePortland.

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