The PDX Bike Swarm is alive and well. Since we last checked in with them, they’ve been holding regular meetings and have swarmed on a number of occasions.
On Wednesday, the bike swarm plans to take a major role in Occupy Portland’s “F29” protests. Specifically, the swarm plans to use their bikes to “blockade” and swarm local gas stations. According to organizers, the goal is to, “bring awareness to the fact that BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Shell made over $73 Billion in 2010.”
Here’s more from the Swarm’s Facebook page:
“Join PDX Bike Swarm for an unprecedented paradigm shift, a display of velocipede direct action techniques, and also a dash of preposterous tomfoolery as we spread a jovial message of a lifestyle free of the combustible engine.”
The Bike Swarm’s “Tour de Petro” is part of a larger day of action aimed at a shutdown of major corporations. Occupy movements in 70 cities around the country are planning a variety of protests.
Last week, a group of Bike Swarm regulars got an education about how to protest by bike. Local lawyer Charley Gee informed the activists about their legal rights while bicycling.

(Photos © Katherine Ball)
Bike swarm organizer Katherine Ball says they discussed tactics they can use to ride within the law, but also prevent and slow down traffic from entering gas stations. One of the legal tactics is called the “chainsaw.” They’re keeping the strategy secret, but given my understanding of chainsaws and pacelines, I assume it would be performed by constantly rotating a line of riders that takes up a lane and blocks vehicles from passing through.
Check out PDXBikeSwarm.org for more info on the Tour de Petrol. You can also join them in the big march planned for 1:00 on Wednesday that leaves from Waterfront Park.