Came across some PBOT crews installing new sharrow markings on N. Bryant Avenue between Albina and I-5. This new greenway route is a key connector to their major north-south route on N Wabash and the east-west route of N. Holman.
Bryant also connects to the Bryant Street Bridge, which is a non-auto bridge just north of Rosa Parks Way. That bridge, incidentally is currently undergoing aesthetic improvements by the adjacent neighborhoods and you’ll notice new pavers and plantings as you roll by.
On other thing about this sharrow installation sighting. It was happening on a cold and wet day… So don’t let anyone tell you that PBOT will only install thermoplastic pavement markings when it’s dry and warm! (Which is what I’ve heard in the past.)
And by the way, I love that new sharrows being installed by PBOT doesn’t even warrant a Front Page mention any more ;-).