(Photo © J. Maus)
Anyone who has ridden a bike in Portland for long has experienced bridge lifts. When they happen, it’s common for a long line of people on bikes to queue up.
Reader Rick T. wonders about the proper etiquette for waiting in the line. Check out his question below and then share your thoughts…
“I ride the Hawthorne Bridge every day. When the bridge is up I get in the back of what appears to be a line. I consistently see riders pass on the left to go to the front. From my perspective, they’re cutting. Does BikePortland have an opinion on this?”
Do you cut in line, or do you take your place and sneer when someone else does it?
— Do you have a burning bike question that you’d like to pose to BikePortland readers? If so, drop me a line. Browse past Ask BikePortland columns in the archives.