Naito at 9:15 am on Tuesday (4/12).
A Portland woman sustained serious injuries after being struck by a truck at 9:15 on Tuesday morning (4/12) while riding her bike on SW Naito Parkway (at SW Market). Marjin Wall is still at OHSU awaiting facial surgery and the person who hit her remains at large.
According to Wall’s friend Kate LaGrand, who was riding with Wall when the collision occurred, the truck’s right side-view mirror struck Wall in the head. The mirror knocked Wall unconscious “before she hit the ground,” causing her to land face first on the pavement.
(Photo: Kate LaGrand)
Several facial bones were crushed around Wall’s cheek and temple and and she will need plates and screws inserted to reconstruct the left side of her face. The photo of Wall at right was taken yesterday.
LaGrand says the truck did not stop, but it stopped at the traffic light just north of incident at SW Clay. According to LaGrand, “The driver of the truck then left the scene without ever getting out of the vehicle. I did not get the license plate number because I was too involved in going to Marjin’s aid. To my knowledge, no one else got the plate either.”
After hearing from LaGrand, I contacted the Portland Police Bureau Traffic Division to get an update on the case. Officer Barry Busse, with the PPB’s Traffic Investigations Unit says they are aware of the incident and have begun an investigation; but because little is known about the truck and no license plate number was recorded, they don’t have much to go on.
“We began to investigate it right away,” says Officer Busse, “The problem was we really didn’t have a lot to go on… A very vague vehicle description and no license plate unfortunately.” Busse adds that they’re re-interviewing witnesses and sifting through “conflicting information” from some of them.
LaGrand recalls that the truck was a flatbed commercial vehicle with double wheels on the rear axle and likely damage to the right side mirror.
“We are regular bicycle commuters. We were riding single file in the right lane on a clear, dry morning, and we were wearing bright colorful clothes and bicycle helmets. This truck gave us no berth.”
LaGrand hopes more witnesses come forward. “There were many people at the scene, and one may have taken down the license number or have a better description of the truck… if there is anyway to put the word out that would be most appreciated.”
If you have information about this incident, please call Officer Barry Busse at (503) 823-2216.