This head badge was created by Lisa Serotta for a Serotta bike built in the 1970s.
I thought it’d be fun to take a closer look at some of the head badges adorning a few of the bikes here at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show.
They range from whimsical to classy and everything in between. While some builders have a standard badge they always use, others will change the badge depending on the bike, the customer, or their mood.
Scroll down for a closer look…

A tradition look from Shamrock Cycles (Indianapolis, IN)

Black Cat (Santa Cruz, CA) gets classy on their rando bike.

Bronto Bikes (Springfield, OR) shows its roots.

Winter Bicycles (Springfield, OR) gets double points for the arrow.

A steampunk vibe from Drew Guldalian of Engin Cycles (Philadelphia, PA)

Sasquatch! Watson Cycles (Waterford, CT)

Some Texas pride from Daltex Handmade Bicycles (Dallas, TX)

Pegoretti Cicli (Caldonazzo, Italy) and his famous, “Fati con le mani” (made by hand).

Love the patina and stylized ant on this beauty from ANT (Holliston, MA).
For more images of the bikes and builders at NAHBS, check the latest in the photo gallery. Read our past coverage here.