Just got word of what looks like a very promising new book; “Wheels of Change: How Women Rode The Bicycle To Freedom”. See the blurb from the publisher below…
“Wheels of Change: How Women Rode The Bicycle To Freedom(with a few flat tires along the way) by Sue Macy takes a lively look at women’s history from aboard a bicycle, which granted females the freedom of mobility and helped empoers women’s liberation. Through vintage photographs, advertisements, cartoons, and songs, Wheels of Change transports readers to the past to see how women used the bicycle to improve their lives. Witty in tone and scrapbook-like in presentation, the book deftly covers early (and comical) objections, influence on fashion, and impact on social change inspired by the bicycle, which, according to Susan B. Anthony, “has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.”