Gabe Tiller pulling his just-married friends in Southeast Portland.
(Photos © J. Maus)
Over the years, I’ve photographed many of Portland’s unique tall bikes and the wonderful people who ride them. I dove into the BikePortland photo archives and pulled out some of my favorites…
Dingo the Clown racing in the backyard of the
former Alberta Clownhouse back in 2005.
Shot at Bridge Pedal, this guy looks ready for a road race.
Minis also make fun tall bikes.
This thing is built like a tank.
This couple got married on a tall-bike tandem at Sunday Parkways 2010…
… and here’s the same couple one year before they were married!
Having some fun outside a Bike Porn screening.
The imitable Dutch.
That’s four frames if you’re counting.
Skye Blue of the Irondelles looking quite marvelous on the waterfront.
Rolling down Alberta Street.
Gabe Tiller’s Captain America.
Looking slick and fast.
The whimsical handiwork of Portlander Robert Stapleton puts a smile on everyone’s face.
Enjoy the weekend everyone. If you missed any of this week’s stories, browse the headlines here.