Portlander Mike Cobb is no stranger to impressive bicycle feats. Whether it’s winning a trackstand competition with a broken arm while being pelted with water balloons, or coming home with three medals from the 2009 Cycle Messenger World Championships in Tokyo, or by simply pedaling a 700-pound capacity cargo trike at his former day job — this man is a professional.

“somewhere in Spain.”
(Photo by Paul Freedman)
His latest gig? A six month, 4,500 mile, pedal-powered trek through 12 countries as the on-call mechanic for the Pleasant Revolution World Tour. Using a mix of boats, trains and bikes, Cobb joined a rolling crew of 18 people as they played gigs (powered by pedal generators) four times per week. With 12 musicians and five bands among the crew carrying all their gear by bike, Mike stayed very busy keeping everything rolling smoothly down the road.
With money from a few paid gigs, a lot of busking, and a bit of sponsorship money, Mike and the Pleasant Revolution crew camped and played their way through England, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovania, Croatia, Italy, France, and Spain.
Mike just got back to Portland a few weeks ago and he sent over some photos from the trip. What an amazing experience it must have been. Check out the photos below, with captions by Mike himself…

(Photo by Paul Freedman)

(Photo by Paul Freedman)

(Photo by Paul Freedman)

(Photo by Paul Freedman)

(Photo by Wolfgang “Höfi” Höfler)

Thanks for sharing this trip with us Mike! Unreal.
Learn more at PleasantRevolution.net.