Here’s the news that caught our eye this week:
– The San Francisco bike infrastructure injunction has been lifted! The city is preparing to roll out 35 bike lanes that it’s planned over the last four years, during which bicycling rates in the city have skyrocketed.
– Blueprint America’s special report on the supposedly simple act of crossing the street in an Atlanta suburb is a harrowing and inspiring call for immediate and necessary reconsideration of car-centric planning. Watch the 8 minute video here.
– A look at the state of drunk bicycling laws in New York City and beyond, with Portland lawyer Bob Mionske weighing in.
– Also in NYC, the debate over a proposal to replace an aging highway with a waterfront park and bike path has sparked an interesting debate about what the future of urban transportation systems will and should look like (scroll down for a set of guest essays).
– This in-depth look at disability, transportation, and poverty is a must-read for decision-makers and activists.
– A look at the growing popularity of bicycling in Omaha, Nebraska, and what the city is doing about it (currently, painting sharrows).
– Taking the plunge to trade in the truck for the bicycle proves surprisingly easy and fun for Jason in Albany, New York. Meanwhile, Benny in San Diego tells the story of becoming a “two-bike family,” reconsidering his love affair with driving, and even reluctantly giving Critical Mass a try—and loving it!
– Do you need dressguards and a chaincase on your bicycle? Do you even know what those are? This blogger tells you all you need to know and more, with photos.
– In Manhattan, citizens turned out to re-create Paul Revere’s midnight ride, in costume, on bicycles, to warn of the impending demise of the city’s community gardens.
– Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to present what may be the world’s first forkless bicycle.
– It’s anyone’s guess as to what alternative fuel source will power the cars of the future. A British company is banking on human waste.
– Video of the week: Poetry on the bike path in Lisbon, Portugal.
– And finally, the history of the bicycle like you’ve never seen it before. Really. Never.