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Bike-friendly Omaha? “You’d be surprised!”

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

National Bike Summit 2010 Day 1-2
Advocates from Omaha, Nebraska.
L to R: Tammie Dodge, Kerri Peterson,
Julie Harris.
(Photo © J. Maus)

One of the great things about being at the National Bike Summit is the feeling that biking, as a movement, is growing. And each year I’m reminded that it’s growing far beyond the typical, bike-friendly cities you always see on top ten lists.

Last night I met Julie Harris and a few of her friends from Activate Omaha.

When I did a double-take at her name badge and joked about biking in Omaha (in a nice way, I wasn’t condescending) she jumped right in and said, “You’d be surprised!” Julie said they’ve got seven bike-friendly businesses, a nascent bikeway with 20 more miles coming soon (paid for with $600,000 raised from private corporations), and a solid Safe Routes to Schools program.

Nebraska is one of 48 states represented at the summit this year. Nice meeting you Julie and best of luck in your advocacy work!

Bike Summit coverage sponsored by Planet Bike. More stories on our special coverage page.

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