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Report from ‘An Evening with Roger Geller’

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Roger and me.
(Photos: Adams Carroll)

Thanks to everyone who packed into Plan B tonight to listen to my interview with City of Portland Bicycle Coordinator Roger Geller. As a special bonus, we also streamed the event live right here on BikePortland thanks to the technological magic of Dan Kaufman from Crank My Chain CycleTV. What a thrill to know folks from all over were tuning in via the web!

After some mingling and ordering of food and drink, we settled in for about a one-hour interview and conversation followed by an open Q & A session. We even took a few questions from the Internet audience.

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Mr. Geller and I covered a wide range of topics, from wonky stuff like the Bicycle Master Plan, sharrows (did you know the City had a plan to put them on every street downtown?) and bike boulevards — to the importance of having 5,000 naked people on bikes rally at City Hall, how bicycling improves your sex life, and more.

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For some reason (maybe because it’s 1:00 am?) I’m drawing a blank trying to remember specifics of what Geller and I talked about. So, if you were there tonight, feel free to share your thoughts about the event in the comments below.

Thanks again for spending your Wednesday night with us. If you missed it, stay tuned for the video recording (which I hope to post shortly).

On February 3rd, I’ll sit down for a chat with Ginny Sullivan from the Adventure Cycling Association. Ms. Sullivan is project manager for the ambitious and exciting United States Bicycle Route System. Stay tuned for more details about that event.

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