Incentivizing proximity; transit cuts; greener buses; high speed rail; Portland in the news; and how block parties can change the world.
Here are some of the news stories that caught our eye in the last week:
– Highway projects nationwide are on hold indefinitely as it becomes less likely that Congress will pass a transportation funding authorization this year.
– What would get more people on bikes? More bike parking.
– U.S. politicians are beginning to embrace the idea of — and federal funding for — high speed rail. Meanwhile, China invests $300 billion in its own system.
– It looks as though the Cash for Clunkers program might really be over.
– Washington, DC is considering using part of its federal stimulus money to offer a $3,000 incentive for residents to move closer to work or transit.
– A study has found that homes with higher walk scores tend to have higher values.
– Trimet is experimenting with a new kind of cooling system that it hopes will save fuel on hot days.
– Transportation For America has issued a new report on the impact of transit cuts in American cities in the midst of a recession, and is asking the public for stories of how transit cuts have affected their lives.
– Amtrak is considering putting its new high speed rail line through Lake Oswego rather than Oregon City.
– Portlanders we’ve recently covered are making the news nationally — the local mom whose Twitter complaints convinced Burgerville to let you bike through its drive-throughs is profiled in USA Today. And a local shop’s spin on the Cash for Clunkers program has been making the rounds as well, most recently in Bicycle Retailer and Industry News.
– The surprise front runner in Seattle’s mayoral primary is a bike enthusiast, and has campaigned at cycling events.
– The Boston Globe writes a glowing feature about Portland’s bike-orientation.
– Block parties are good for neighborhoods.
– If there were no more cheap oil, what would happen to the suburbs where spread-out development and big box stores might no longer be so viable? Check out the winners of a recent design contest with this premise.