(Photo by Flickr user Portland Pedalworks in the BikePortland Photographers pool)
Welcome to the weekend! And it’s also time for a quick social media check-in:
– Want to see your amazing local bike photos featured in this spot (usually every Wednesday)? Upload your best shots to our BikePortland Photographers pool on Flickr (or check out what everyone else has been doing).
– Have you noticed the Twitter feed in the sidebar of the site? Check out all the news, links, thoughts, and addenda that we don’t have time to write full stories on by following us as we Twitter away.
– Want special advance notice about events, programs, and new merchandise? Join our Facebook group.
– Longing to interact with other readers beyond our forums and comments sections on our posts? We’ve been experimenting with a radical new kind of social media that involves actually meeting up face to face. Come out and give it a try at one of our Get Togethers — the next one is coming up soon, in inner Northeast. Or head out to one of the many bike-related events going on this weekend.
Whatever you do, share your weekend fun with us in the comments below.
Did you partake of the good natured debauchery of Tour de Fat? Did you smile for hours at Sunday Parkways? Did you complete the Portland Century and scarf down the local-veggie feast at the end? Or did you just quietly pedal your cargo-laden tallbike to the coast?