bike sharing system.
(Photo: Steve Durrant/Alta Planning)
With the first of their two bike sharing demonstrations coming Friday to Waterfront Park (followed by an event at Sunday Parkways this weekend), the City of Portland has ramped up its efforts to inform the public about how the system might work. They’ve also launched a new survey to garner feedback.
The survey is available online and PBOT project manager Steve Hoyt-McBeth says it will also be given via paper at the demonstration events. The survey asks a variety of questions, including; how often you’d use a bike sharing service in the Central City, how much you’d pay for an annual membership, whether or not you currently have access to a bicycle, what type of trips you usually take by bike, and so on.
In addition to the survey, the City now has a dedicated bike sharing website. It includes information on upcoming demonstration events and an F.A.Q. about bike sharing in general.
The City has also confirmed the four vendors for the demonstrations: Bcycle, Bixi (Montreal), The Bike Share Group (Seattle), and Portland Bicycle Share. (Learn more about each of these groups from our previous report.)
While Portland readies for its first chance to kick the tires of a bike sharing system, it’s interesting to note that we’re not the only city whose elected officials are being pressured to move slowly. Last week The Oregonian columnist Susan Nielsen wrote that the city should use caution in moving forward with bike sharing. She cited safety, cost, and aesthetic concerns among reasons for her opinion. Then yesterday, the Chicago Tribune ran an editorial expressing a very similar sentiment.
Two years ago, emboldened by successes in Europe, it seemed bike sharing would hit big in U.S. cities. But so far that hasn’t happened. Is America getting cold feet? Or is it simply a matter of no one getting it right (both the implementation and the public/political process) yet? Stay tuned.
Here are the details of upcoming demonstration events where you can learn more about potential bike sharing systems in Portland:
Friday, August 14th
Ankeny Pavilion (new Saturday Market space in Waterfront Park)
10:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 16th
During Sunday Parkways Southeast at SE Oak at 37th Avenue (south side of Laurelhurst Park)
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Read all our coverage of bike sharing here.