Remember back in January, when the web was abuzz about an interesting product idea called that would let you project a bike lane behind your bike with lasers?
It was called LightLane, and back then it was just a neat entry into a design competition. Now, because response to the concept was so “overwhelming”, the folks behind the project have moved forward with production.

On their website, LightLane writes that, “…the viral spread of the concept… was the catalyst for its further development into a product.” The product is slated to come with a 3-hour rechargable Li-Ion battery and be compatible with universal mobile phone chargers.
In Portland, there are about 3,949 miles of streets, but only 173.8 miles of them are painted with bike lanes. I can think of a few places where I wouldn’t mind turning one of these on (especially when I’m with my kids).
See a live demo in the video below and check out LightLane’s website for more info.
[Thanks to readers Matt P., B. Moore, and others for the tip!]