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Report: Take the Lane Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Report by ride leader Emily Wilson via the Shift list. This is part of our ongoing Pedalpalooza coverage. See all our reports and photos here.]

Tuesday evening, June 16th
Around 10 riders met at the Whole Foods at 28th and E. Burnside for the Take the Lane Ride.

We got take the lane stickers, copies of the law and affixed signs to our backs stating ‘Bicycle Allowed Use of Full Lane.’ After a discussion of the ride structure and route we set out in pairs every
2 to 3 minutes.

We rode down 28th to Sandy and then 21st. Our first stop was Col. Summers, where we compared experiences.

Most drivers were pretty chill, we got a good laugh over one angry driver, with liberal bumper stickers, I guess not *that* liberal.

Then it was down 21st to Hawthorne and up to our next stop at the bike parking at the Hawthorne Fred Meyer. Covered, lighted parking got big ups and was hopping. The hill up Hawthorne was the biggest challenge for newer riders, but overall we had a pleasant ride. At both grocery locations we answered the questions of curious passersby and some took stickers and info.

For the last leg of our loop up 39th to Burnside and back to the Whole Foods on 28th we decided we wanted to ride en masse and enjoy the experience of riding together in a group.

Once back at Burnside and 28th we enjoyed fruit, juice, and tea together before we finally went our separate ways.

I loved that this group was a real mix of new and old riders and gave folks a tangible experience of bicycle community, sharing our knowledge, experiences and supporting each other. One woman had recently moved to Portland and was riding her bike everywhere from her home at 167th. Another gentleman noted how he didn’t get to ride with others all that often, and how much fun it was!


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