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Pull over! I’d like to give you a hug

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

This video (below) from Denmark is all over the web today. It shows two cops standing on the side of a bike lane, offering hugs and helmets to passing bicycle riders.

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It’s clearly a set-up done for publicity, but it’s heart-warming nonetheless. As I watched it I couldn’t help imagine the impact this could have if it spread across the globe. Can you imagine cops in New York City or Portland doing this?

That’s not to say our cops here in Stumptown are cold and heartless, many of them care a lot about people on bikes. They even used to pass out free lights to people in need, although I have never heard a story about hugs being included in the package.

Next week I hope to have a sit-down interview with the new Officer Eric Hendricks, the new Captain of the Portland Police Bureau Traffic Division. I make no promises that I’ll ask him to start a hugs-and-helmets campaign.

[Thanks to reader Tony T (and many others) for the link!]

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