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The Monday Roundup

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Intextication; more “resisting arrest”; slowing growth; failed bike lanes; the true cost of driving; coffeeshop on the Hawthorne; make your own bike bell

Time for the news roundup, folks:

– A bad sign for the bike economy? Trek has furloughed 300 employees from one of its plants.

– Is “intextication” the new drunk driving?

– Virginia has outlawed the cul de sac, saying all new subdivisions must have through streets.

– In Millville, Pennsylvania, three police officers caught themselves on video tackling a teenage woman from her bike and beating her in the course of pulling her over for riding on the sidewalk. She was convicted of resisting arrest and has now filed a civil suit.

– A group of PSU students had a class assignment that may have been inspired by Shift’s Breakfast on the Bridges event — design a coffeeshop for the lift span of the Hawthorne Bridge.

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– The New York Times compares the costs of family car ownership and family bike ownership, with unsurprising results.

– Another city — Baltimore — has installed its first on-street bike parking corral.

– Portland area growth may be slowing with the down economy, reports the Oregonian, reducing some of the pressure on the region to accommodate all the housing and transportation needs of a flood of transplants.

– Check out some funny examples of absurdly failed bike infrastructure from the popular FailBlog, and contribute your own.

– Don’t want an ordinary bell for your bike? Check out this video by someone who made their own.

As always, feel free to add your own links, thoughts, and ideas in the comments below.

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