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Madsen Cycles in town for St. Patrick’s Day “Green Ride” tonight

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Here’s a great way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. From Bike Gallery:

St Patrick’s Day “Green Ride” sponsored by Madsen Cycles
Tuesday, March 17

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by bike and get a chance to green up your life by entering to win a Madsen Utility bike? The ride meets at the Downtown Bike Gallery at 5:00pm, departs about 5:15pm. The ride will be a fun, casual pace city tour, lasting about 1 hour, and returning to the DT store for snacks, beverages, and a Madsen bike drawing for all participants. Wear a green costume, or decorate your bike and get two extra drawing entries! Kids and families are encouraged to join us. Lights and helmets required.

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