PBOT advises to take the lane.
(Photo © J. Maus)
Please use this post to report on riding conditions in your neighborhood.
I’m on a walk right now and several main roads have been cleared of snow. While that’s good for folks in cars, it also means the bike lanes are full of piles of snow and slush. Without much new snowfall and with cold temperatures remaining, many roads are much more slick and icy than in past days.
The Bureau of Transportation’s latest statement about the storm (released yesterday) makes no mention of bicycle travel. In a statement released on Sunday, PBOT acknowledged the bad condition of bike lanes and issued this warning:
“Bicyclists are advised to ride cautiously with traffic because many bike lanes are covered with plowed snow, gravel, and road debris.”
A major thaw isn’t supposed to begin until this coming weekend and until then, biking will remain a tricky proposition.
What are the riding conditions in your neck of the woods?
— See all of our storm coverage here.