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Follow BikePortland on Twitter

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

This is just a quick note to encourage everyone to check out BikePortland on Twitter. If you’re not sure what Twitter is, learn more on their FAQ page.

In a nutshell, Twitter is a mini-blogging platform that can be easily updated using text messages. The updates are short (140 characters max) and once you’re signed up, you can “follow” certain users and see their updates on your home page (or on your iPhone or other mobile device).

I have been using it for a few months now. In addition to all the latest BikePortland stories being automatically posted, I also share thoughts, tidbits and scoops you won’t see anywhere else. For instance, I posted a “tweet” (that’s Twitter-speak for an update/post) about the Oregonian’s new commuting blog long before it officially launched.

I’m still exploring how best to use it and I hope some of you find it valuable.

See you on Twitter …

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