Metro wants feedback from “the bike community” at their upcoming public workshops on their High Capacity Transit plans:
Here’s more information, followed by details on the workshops:
Metro begins process to identify next 30 years of High Capacity Transit projects
The Portland metropolitan region is home to a pioneering transit system. Over thirty years ago, the region decided to grow differently than other cities when elected leaders and citizens rallied against construction of freeways through developed neighborhoods and, instead, directed resources to a light rail project along I-84. Since then, the region has constructed 44 miles of light rail (Blue, Red and Yellow lines). An additional 6.5 miles of light rail (Green line) and 14.7 miles of commuter rail (WES) are currently under construction. These lines connect the far reaches of the urban area from Hillsboro to Gresham and from north Portland to Clackamas – and to many neighborhoods in between.
Metro is launching a study to consider where the next 30 years of high capacity transit investments should go. High capacity transit is characterized by routes with fewer stops and some separation from regular traffic and could mean light rail, commuter rail, streetcar or buses. Metro, the agency responsible for regional planning, will complete the Regional High Capacity Transit Plan along with TriMet, the Oregon Department of Transportation, and the 25 cities and three counties in the region. The plan will be closely coordinated with the City of Portland’s Streetcar System Plan.
In planning for future high capacity transit routes, we’re not starting from scratch but building on a legacy of planning work that is captured in the 2040 Growth Concept and the Regional Transportation Plan. The 2040 Growth Concept, adopted in 1995 after an extensive public engagement process, calls for high capacity transit service to regional centers like Oregon City and town centers such as Tualatin. The Regional Transportation Plan, updated every four years, identifies potential high capacity transit corridors that will serve as the starting point for this planning effort.
The High Capacity Transit System Plan will provide the region with a prioritized set of corridors or improvements to the existing system based on planned land uses, community values and potential ridership. The plan will be adopted by the Metro Council in spring 2009 after review by community members, elected officials and technical staff from around the region.
Get involved!Attend a workshop to learn more about the project and provide input about what areas should be served with high capacity transit in the future. An online questionnaire will also be available beginning on August 12 at
5-8 p.m. Tuesday, August 12
Walters Cultural Arts Center
527 East Main St., Hillsboro5-8 p.m. Wednesday, August 13
Oregon City Pioneer Center
615 5th St., Oregon City5-8 p.m. Thursday, August 14
East Portland Community Center
740 SE 106th Ave., Portland5-8 p.m. Wednesday, August 20
Tigard City Library
13500 SW Hall Blvd., TigardTo learn more about the project or get on the mailing list, call 503-797-1756, send an e-mail to, or visit the project web site at