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Bike Advisory Committee agenda

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

The City of Portland’s Bicycle Advisory Committee meets tonight at City Hall (7pm, 1221 SW 4th ave in the Lovejoy Room). Below is the agenda as prepared by PDOT bike coordinator Roger Geller.

Green Bike Boxes
Roger will provide an update on their status, including the recent approval by FHWA for Portland’s experiment with them and what that means for future installations.

Milwaukie Light Rail Bridge Design
Trimet and PDOT are actively developing designs for the new crossing of the Willamette River that will be built between the Marquam and Ross Island Bridges as part of the Milwaukie Light Rail. Roger is participating on the technical advisory committee and will seek input on how to best design this new crossing.

Bicycle Enforcement/Education Missions
The Police Bureau’s Traffic Division recently conducted some highly publicized enforcement/education missions at selected intersections. Lieutenant Bryan Parman will discuss the results and long-term planning.

Bicycle Safety
Senator Floyd Prozanski’s recent consideration of a mandatory adult helmet law for adult cyclists spurred much discussion around the state. The issue of helmet laws is likely to rise again. Open BAC discussion about helmet laws.

Portfolio Reports/Open Discussion

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