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My story about Senator Floyd Prozanski’s intention to expand Oregon’s mandatory helmet law has gained steam. It was sent out on the AP newswire this morning and outlets across the state have picked it up.
I’ve done several media interviews about it today, and while doing some background reading, I came across an interesting story from Eugene.
According to KVAL (a CBS TV affiliate), the driver in the fatal bike/car crash that took the life of David Minor on June 2nd, is now “devoting her life to bike safety and is pushing to make helmets mandatory for everyone that rides a bicycle.”
KVAL reports that Williams has started a “one-woman crusade towards bike safety,” and she has already started emailing lawmakers in Congress and at the state level. KVAL also reported that:
“Williams says she feels sick every time she sees a cyclist not wearing a helmet. She said since she can’t take back the life that was lost at least she might help save another.”
That type of statement is familiar for proponents of helmet laws. I remember Vancouver Washington Mayor Royce Pollard saying something very similar before their City Council voted 5-1 in favor of an all-ages helmet law back in February.
It will be very interesting to see how this discussion moves forward. Whether you are for or against this law, rest assured that it will be a big debate for the foreseeable future.
— The Eugene Register-Guard has also reported on Ms. Williams’ feelings on this crash and on helmet laws.