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Conference in Portland looks toward more sustainable cities

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Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski
gave the keynote address
at a sustainable transportation
conference in Portland this morning.
(Photo © J. Maus)

An invite-only conference at the Portland Art Museum today and tomorrow is looking at the future of sustainable transportation and urban design in American cities.

Dubbed Meeting of the Minds, the event is, “designed to bring together leaders from multiple sectors and geographies to share ideas, learn from each other, and shape the agenda for creating more sustainable cities.”

The program host is Gail Achterman, Chair of the Oregon Transportation Commission and a keynote address this morning titled, Transportation at the Crossroads was given by Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski.

Toyota is the lead sponsor
of the event.

According to event materials, other folks in attendance include over 200 policy makers, decision makers, and “thought leaders” from the commercial, nonprofit, and public sectors.

The conference program looks interesting and talks/panels range from discussions of new fuel technologies, the impacts of Climate Change on the Pacific Northwest, urban design, an overview of carpooling programs, and a panel titled, Can we live in a different way so we don’t have to drive so much? (I wonder what the event’s lead sponsor — Toyota — would think about that).

More information on the conference here.


–Read more coverage of the conference from The Portland Tribune.

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