Over 350 people on bikes, in all manner of costumes, stretching seven city blocks on an otherwise normal Thursday evening… sounds like Pedalpalooza is here!
All types of folks showed up to partake in the bike fun tonight. I saw trikes, tandems, tall-bikes, a tandem recumbent, a bunch of unicycles, old people, little kids, lots of dresses and costumes — and a lot of smiling faces.
Jon “Dutch” Paglia showed up in a full wrap lycra suit, smoking a cigarette, with a gold-painted tall-bike that he did several ballet tricks on (in the video below):
There were tons of kids out there this year. Check out this little guy:
And this dude pedaled the whole ride on a tiny Huffy… and then raced the big boys at the park:
Carl Larson showed up with a cool trike filled with Pedalpalooza Calendars:
For more photos of all the wild and crazy folks that showed (including City Council candidate Charles Lewis) up to, check out my photo gallery (and while you’re there, be sure to notice the new ad from BikeTiresDirect.com — they’re the new sponsor of my Photo section).
And if you want some moving pictures, with sound, check out the little movie I put together below. Highlights include some words from Mr. T-mo Forsberg, a bit of tall-bike ballet from Jon “Dutch” Paglia and a look at the crowd at the end of the ride at Colonel Summers Park: