From the looks of a casting call (below) that made it’s way onto the Shift email list (via, Trek Bicycles plans to film an upcoming national commercial in Portland — and they’re looking for a few good bicyclists.
Check out the flyer…
(Click for PDF)
The flyer — put out by Danny Stoltz Casting — calls for “Good Mountain Bikers” ages 18-28 and warns that you’ll be expected to “RIDE AGGRESSIVELY W/GROUP!”. Just remember, that if you’re in Forest Park (where I assume they’ll shoot this), be wary of joggers and other folks using the roads/trails.
This could be that big shot at stardom you’ve been waiting for…or maybe just a fun way to make $500! If any “good mountain bikers” or “experienced bicyclists” do this, I’d love to get a report back in the comments.
Auditions will be held in this Thursday and Friday and filming is slated for May 29th (see the flyer for more details).