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Archdiocese of Portland will hold a “Blessing of the Bikes”

Event flyer.
Click to enlarge (390k, jpg).

I get a lot of emails here at headquarters — but yesterday was the first time I ever got one from a Deacon.

It was a personal invitation from Deacon Thomas Gornick, Director of Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Portland, to attend “the Blessing of the Bikes to be held at the Cathedral on Sunday, June 8, 2008 at 2 PM.”

According to Deacon Gornick, his parish is located near important bike crossings in the Northwest and the Pearl District and he, “wants to celebrate and acknowledge the cyclist contribution to our community.”

A press release that accompanied the invite noted that (emphasis mine),

“The parish, which is located at the corner of NW 18th and Couch in the heart of Northwest Portland and bordered by the Everett Street bike lane, values and raises up the contribution that cyclists make to the community and environment. Portland biking is the platinum standard, and the cyclists bring a special life to our neighborhood and city whether they ride for recreation, commuting or competition.

The Cathedral parish will welcome everyone to celebrate and recognize our biking community. In addition, the service will pray for those injured and will especially remember those who have died in bike accidents in 2007. “Cyclists are members of the parish and staff,” says Father George Wolf, Pastor of the Cathedral, “many of our neighbors regularly ride by our church. We invite everyone to bring their bikes and celebrate the many miles ridden each day.

There will also be special blessings performed for bikes — something that Deacon Gornick says they discovered has already been going on in other communities, like New York City.

The Deacon says “All are welcome”, so I assume that means people of all faith — as long as you believe in the bicycle.

Event Details:

For more on how local religious communities are embracing the bicycle, see these previous articles on

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