According to an article published on Tuesday by Reuters’ Amsterdam news bureau, the Dutch Cycling Federation is calling on political leaders to urge the automobile industry to begin installing airbags on the hoods of cars.
The story reports that,
“The Dutch Cycling Federation said a study showed that 60 lives could be saved a year if air bags were installed on the hoods of cars, where cyclists are typically hit in accidents. External air bags could also cut 1,500 serious injuries a year.”
The DCF points to Autoliv, a Swedish company that already produces an airbag specifically for the protection of bicyclists and pedestrians.
The news is spreading quickly throughout the auto industry media outlets. AutoBlog.com reported the news and said, “It strikes us as a bit nutty to think that one day our cars could turn into giant bubbles to protect everyone everywhere in an accident, but hey, if it saves lives….”
[Thanks to reader Paul M. for the tip!]