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Portlanders ride to remember Sheldon Brown

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Around 60 Portlanders showed up to remember Sheldon Brown yesterday. Brown passed away in early February and was a bicycle ambassador without equal, connecting with thousands through his prodigious website and his infectious and helpful personality.

Many participants in the ride showed up with Brown’s signature eagle figure attached to their helmets. Reports from the ride also said commemorative Sheldon Brown “Ride in Peace” stickers were handed out and some folks even brought specially made Sheldon Brown T-Shirts.

One of the ride’s organizers, Hollie Teal reported that, “The only thing that could have made it better is if Sheldon had been there to see it himself. His spirit was certainly there in the form of awesome old bikes with crazy drivetrains, recumbents, lots and LOTS of bike bells, and wonderful, sweet people who love bikes.”

A photoset of the ride has been posted here.

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