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Live from the Cycle Oregon Kickoff Party

The crowd awaits the announcement of this year’s Cycle Oregon route.
(Photo: Jonathan Maus)

Like I’ve done for the past two years I’m here at the Tiger Woods Center on the Nike Headquarters in Beaverton where in just a few moments, Cycle Oregon founder Jonathan Nicholas will announce the route for this year’s ride.

Cycle Oregon 08 Kickoff Party
Registration begins with
a frenzy!

Last year, the 20th running of the week-long bike tour that travels through Oregon’s byways, sold out in record time. By the looks of the jam-packed crowd tonight, they just might sell out this year even quicker.

Nicholas is at the podium now, talking about all the amazing work the Cycle Oregon organization has done over the years.

Cycle Oregon 2008

Day 1
Begin in Grande Ronde Valley in town of Elgin
Lunch at Cove
Camp at Union at foot of Elkhorn Mountains
45 miles

New jersey design is a work in progress.

Day 2
From Union to Baker City
45 miles

Option ride through Haines and North Powder and back to Baker City
83 miles

Day 3
Highlights: Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Riding along the Powder River
From Baker City to lunch in Richmond
Camp in Halfway
52 miles

Day 4
Layover day in Pine Valley
-escorted tours to Cornucopia ghost town
-rafting in Hells Canyon
-option ride to Hells Canyon Dam
35 or 80 miles

Day 5
Three major climbs
“There’s only way to go and it’s straight uphill”
From Pine Valley into the Wallowas
Ride into Joseph
Camp on the shores of Wallowa Lake.
77 miles (71 are uphill)

Day 6
Layover day at Wallowa Lake
-Take part in a bike scavenger hunt.
-Take a 47 mile bike tour around the Wallowa Valley
The Nez Perce used to live along this lake and Cycle Oregon has worked to create a new Oregon State Park at the tradition Nez Perce camp.

New partnership announced with the National Parks Service. Working on a series of volunteer opportunities. Riders will help rebuild the Prarie Creek Bridge.

Day 7
From Wallowa Lake back into Elgin
58 miles

“Wallowas Ride”
2000 miles, 7 days, 465 miles

That’s it folks. It sounds like yet another amazing route and more exciting than the ride is the huge role Cycle Oregon is playing to make Oregon “the place bicycles dream about”.

For more details and day-by-day breakdowns of the route visit

I’ll be on the ride again this year, posting photos and reports from the road like I did in 2006 and 2007. I hope you’ll join in either on the road or online!

Check out more photos from tonight’s announcement party.

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