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Improve your commute with bikepools

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

hawthorne bridge scene
(Photo: Jonathan Maus)

We all know riding a bike to work is great, but bikepooling makes it even better. This is true especially for newbies who might need the buffer of a veteran (or just a friend) in order to start biking to work every day.

If you’ve never bikepooled, September is the perfect time to start. It’s Bike Commute Challenge month and in the spirit of competition, more folks than ever are getting to work on two wheels.

Southeast Portlander and PDOT staffer Kirsty Hall has planned bikepools each Wednesday this month.

The first one happened this morning (sorry), but if you’d like to join Kirsty and a friendly group of bikepoolers, you’ve got two more chances. They’ll meet at 7:30am at Common Grounds Coffee (SE 43rd & Hawthorne) on Wednesday the 19th and the 26th of this month. The ride will leave at 8:00 and arrive downtown by 8:30. Kirsty will have free bike maps, stickers, and even chocolate cupcakes. If this location is on your commute route, you’d be crazy not to join them!

If this bikepool doesn’t work for you, don’t fret, just click over to the Portland Bike Forums’ Bikepool section and connect with your fellow commuters. You can also join the forums and create your own bikepool if you’d like.

Riding with others is safer, more fun, and always seems to make the miles go by quicker. Happy bikepooling!

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