(Photo: Jonathan Maus)
On my way to the Tour de Fat on Saturday morning, I noticed this stencil painted on the Steel Bridge. The artist used white paint for the machine-gun/bike symbol, included the words “Fight Back” and put it up it several times toward the west end of the bike/ped path.
I’m not sure if it’s a direct response to Friday’s incident, but the paint looked fresh and I don’t recall seeing it before then.
It has sparked some interesting discussion on the Shift Email List.
Here are a few of them:
“It’s certainly a powerful symbol, but I don’t want my bike to be a weapon of revolution, I want it to be a vehicle of change.”
“The image is graphically strong but the message is just wrong. Firepower is like oil power, not a good fit with bike power.”
“i do like it. who says that everything has to be peace and love to convey messages and political statements?…. we’ve all got the same general goals, some people go the Martin Luther King route, some go the Malcolm X route.”
I tend to go the Martin Luther King route.
What do you think?