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Tour de Fat rolls into town tomorrow

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Tour de Fat '06
New Belgium’s Chris Winn at
last year’s Tour de Fat.
Slide show below
(Photo: Jonathan Maus)

This Saturday, New Belgium Brewery brings their eccentric brand of bike fun to Waterfront Park.

Their Tour de Fat is one of my favorite events of the year, and this time, it should be better than ever (and I’m not just saying that because they advertise with me).

In addition to their usually fun circus of freak bikes (the downtown parade is not to be missed), live music, and cold beer, this year the Sprockettes will take center stage. Yes, the ladies in pink have been touring with the Tour de Fat and this will be their homecoming performance.

We’ll also get to see Portlander Karla Betts take the carfree plunge. She took New Belgium’s offer to do a car-for-bike trade and she’ll be on stage to do the swap. (She’ll get a commuter bike made by Black Sheep Bikes.)

And did I mention the big, downtown bike parade that kicks it all off? And it’s also worthing noting that the event is a fundraiser for the BTA and PUMP (so drink up!).

Trust me, New Belgium knows how to throw a bike party. I’ll see you tomorrow (Saturday, 8/18) at 11am at Salmon Street Fountain.

But don’t take my word for it. See all the fun faces and freaky bikes that showed up last year in the slide show below…

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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