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Blumenauer to hold bike roundtable in Portland

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Opening Plenary at the Nat'l Bike Summit
Blumenauer in D.C..
(File photo)

U.S. Congressman (and former Portland City Commissioner) Earl Blumenauer will be in City Hall next Tuesday to host a roundtable discussion with local bike advocates and insiders.

He wants to get an update on the latest bicycle activities and programs in Portland and learn about the results from the 2007 Oregon legislative session.

In addition, Blumenauer plans to share the latest on his progress to push the pedals on bike issues at the federal level. He recently got his Bike Commuter Benefits Act into the Energy Bill and is a driving force behind an effort to “Green the Capitol” by encouraging bike use and improving bike facilities.

Expected to attend the meeting are staff from the City of Portland, researchers from Portland State University, advocates from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, and members of the local bicycle industry.

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