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Joseph Ahearne’s “devilish” new bike

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Joseph Ahearne's new bike
One commenter called
this “downright devilish”.
(File photo)

One of things I love about Portland is the constant array of interesting bikes I see around town. As an incorrigible bike geek, it’s impossible for me to walk by a rack without doing a quick once-over to see what gems I might find.

The other night, I left a meeting and spied something wonderful locked to a rusty old pole at Jefferson High School in North Portland. It was a striking, twin-tubed, red beauty. Upon further inspection I realized it was an Ahearne, built just down the road by none other than local builder Joseph Ahearne.

Since Joseph was also in the meeting, I’d say there’s a good chance this is his personal rig (I know, I’m brilliant).

I love Joseph’s work because he always manages to do something artistic and unexpected with his frames. He knows how to push aesthetic boundaries while at the same time maintaining clean, pleasing lines. It’s a tough balance that not all framebuilders can pull off.

Enough writing. Check out these photos, and for more Ahearne goodness, check the links below the slideshow:

Created with Paul’s flickrSLiDR.

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