That’s right folks. The big and gnarly World Naked Bike Ride and Dance Party is tomorrow night.
If you missed last year’s ride, I can tell you that it was amazing (read my report here). It was probably the most memorable ride I did all year. We had hundreds of naked people riding through downtown Portland. Panties littered the bike lane. Bystanders, in disbelief at the sight, left their cars, removed their clothes, and wanted to join us. Lots of high fives and smiles (even from the cops).
It was a glorious experience (except for the few folks who met the pavement with their naked bodies…ouch!).
This year’s party (and World Naked Bike Ride starting point) is at the Organics to You warehouse (606 SE Madison). The fun starts at 9:00 pm. Be there or be clothed (and regret it!).
It’s really not a big deal. At midnight, you just take off all your clothes and have the most fun on a bike you’ve had all year. If you’re curious, check out the slideshow below for some pics of the party and the naked ride. See you there!
Created with Paul’s flickrSLiDR.