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Sheriff’s move endangers cyclists

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Vvolt and Showers Pass Warehouse Sale is on Friday 5/17 and Sat 5/18.

It looks like the real action on Sunday night’s Zoobomb started after I left…

Portland Mercury reporter Matt Davis has the story about what happened when they did a run down Highway 26 from the Zoo to Goose Hollow (affectionately known as the “Hellway”):

(File photo)

“Portland’s Zoobombers allege they were stopped “extremely dangerously” on highway 26 on Sunday night by a Washington County Sheriff’s Deputy…

The abrupt stop caused all the Zoobombers to take a spill, swerving frantically on the highway to avoid running into the back of Sheriff’s Deputy Adam Rorick’s car. Several had cuts and bruises and all say they felt lucky nothing more serious happened.”

Davis says the Washington County Sheriff’s Office has not returned a call for comment.

Check out the full story over on the Portland Mercury blog or get the lowdown on this thread in the Zoobomb forum.

Editor’s note: The original title of this post was, “Sheriff’s move endangers Zoobombers”. I changed it because I feel that Zoobomb is more of an activity than a label for a certain group of people.

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