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Cyclists celebrate in Pioneer Square

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bike to Work Day
Commissioner Adams on the pedal-powered smoothie.
File photo: 5/16/07
Bike to Work Day
File photo: 5/16/07

Cyclists from all over the city met up in Pioneer Courthouse Square this morning for the annual Bike to Work Day breakfast. PDOT staffers passed out stickers, fried eggs, and tried their best to keep the coffee flowing.

By all accounts, it was a great turnout. People showed up in waves from group rides throughout the city. I joined a group from north Portland that included Olivia Rebanal from the Overlook neighborhood who rode to work with her daughter Philly on a trail-a-bike.

Bike to Work Day
First-time bike commuter
Julie Rawls.
File photo: 5/16/07

The Rebanals are old pros when it comes to biking, but for Julie Rawls, who heads up Public Affairs for the Portland Development Commission (PDC), this morning was her first bike commute ever. Also from north Portland, Julie was encouraged to ride today by co-worker Karl Dinkelspiel. She said she’s ridden around her neighborhood, but wouldn’t have commuted to work without some guidance and friendly pestering,

“I’ve been really wanting to work on my fitness…I’m committed to doing this at least twice a week. It’s a big deal for me. Coming across the Broadway Bridge is much nicer on a bike… and I have a new appreciation for bike lanes!”

Judging from her smile, I think she’s hooked.

Commissioner Sam Adams rode his yellow Specialized mountain bike into the city from his home in Kenton. Hungry from his ride, he hopped on Kyrstin Westwind’s pedal-powered-smoothie-equipped Xtracycle and whipped up a strawberry smoothie.

If you missed this event, swing by Oregon Square on Friday morning for another party full of morning pedalers.

Browse the rest of my photos.

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