I realize we’re well into May, but I just heard about this. Check out the official proclamation:
WHERAS:The Oregon Department of Transportation serves Oregon citizens and visitors through efforts aimed at minimizing the potential for loss of life, injury and property damage relating to all modes of transportation; and
WHERAS: The Department through its Transportation Safety Division, implements public education and enforcement programs relating to safety belt and child restraint use, speed control, courteous driving, driver education, alcohol and other-impaired driving, motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians, vehicle equipment, emergency medical services, safety corridors and community traffic safety programs; and
WHEREAS: The Department enhances traffic safety through its Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division, including licensing all drivers; maintaining all driver records including convictions and collisions; identifying problem drivers through driver improvement, re-exam evaluation, and medical programs; and
WHEREAS: The Department promotes safe, efficient, and responsible commercial transportation through its Motor Carrier Transportation Division and within the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Plan, including commercial vehicle safety inspections, compliance reviews, enforcement of hazardous materials regulations and multi-agency oversight and training; and
WHEREAS: The Department considers safety to be a priority within its Highway Division in all aspects of its design, construction and maintenance work and targets roadway work zone crashes through its Slow Down, Better Roads Ahead and Give ‘Em a Brake media campaigns and special work zone enforcement with state and local police agencies; and
WHEREAS: The Department through its Public Transit Division supports safety by helping to provide for safe operation of transit services by transportation providers for Oregon’s elderly and disabled, and by rural and urban public transportation systems; and
WHEREAS: The Department through its Rail Division promotes rail safety through its commitment to the rail and crossing safety program, rail transit oversight program, and the railroad employee safety program.
NOW, THEREFORE, I Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor of the State of Oregon, hereby proclaim May 2007 to be
in Oregon and encourage all citizens to join in supporting Oregon’s commitment to transportation safety by obeying all traffic laws and riding safely on every trip.
I guess it’s fitting that I just got back from the Community Budget Hearing where many cyclists testified about the importance of funding for bicycle safety improvements.