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Helmet program gets boost from bike shop

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Bikes at Earth Day
Hundreds of helmets were
given away at last year’s
Earth Day Celebration.
File photo: 4/22/06

Jeff Bernards, the man who has helped hundreds of Portland cyclists “Get Lit“, also likes to see them wearing helmets.

Last year he secured a seed grant from ODOT that enabled him to give out 550 helmets at two community events, and according to Jeff, half of those went to first-time helmet users.

The program was so successful, the seed money quickly dried up. But now, thanks to a generous donation from Jay Graves and the Bike Gallery, Jeff says he’ll once again provide low-cost ($10) helmets at the upcoming Earth Day Celebration.

Here’s more from Jeff,

Bike to Blazers
Jeff Bernards
File photo: 4/15/06

“I find that most helmet programs in Portland are geared towards kids, my target group is the twenty something crowd, that either for lack of funds or understanding the importance of helmet use, don’t have one.”

Now the program needs funds to match the Bike Gallery grant. Here’s how you can help:

Donations are tax deductible and my be sent to:

Jeff also needs volunteers during Earth Day to size helmets, collect money and help keep things running smoothly. Get in touch with him if you’re interested, (503) 774-5659 or

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