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Pedicabs on Capitol Hill

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

National Bike Summit 07

On Capitol Hill, the House offices and the Senate offices are on separate sides of the Capitol building. The distance between the two is about 1/2 a mile.

That’s not much, but when you’ve got a full day of meetings, tired feet, and not much time to spare, it’s nice to get a lift.

Taxis are out of the question, and most people don’t have bikes.

Enter free pedicab service, made possible by the League and Planet Bike.

National Bike Summit 07 National Bike Summit 07

Today the pedicabs were out in force, whisking advocates between the two buildings with style, energy and smiles.

National Bike Summit 07
Sam Gibson,
pedicab operator.

I grabbed a lift with 25 year-old Sam Gibson (check out this on-board view). He answered a job listing on Craigslist and is having fun with the assignment.

I would have learned more about him, but I was late for a meeting and taxis were blaring horns at us. Thanks for the lift Sam!

Check out a few more photos of Sam and pedicabs on Capitol Hill.

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