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Bikes to Rwanda needs tools to establish repair shop

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[A prototype bicycle delivered to a village in Karaba, Rwanda by Bikes to Rwanda in November 2006.]
Photo: Bikes to Rwanda

Back in October, I brought you the story of a group of Portlanders who wanted to provide reliable cargo bikes to coffee growers in Rwanda.

Since then, Bikes to Rwanda has been busy testing bikes, traveling to Rwanda, and raising money and spreading the word about their program.

They’ve made exciting progress and according to volunteer Hazel Gross, they plan to have 400 bikes on the ground by April or May of this year. In addition to sending bikes, the group plans to send volunteers to Rwanda to teach farmers basic maintenance skills that will keep the bikes running.

Hazel says their big goal is to establish a permanent repair shop. But to do so, they need help getting tools. She’s asking for our help to donate old tools for the cause. Here’s a list of what they need.

If you have any of the above tools lying around your shop you can mail them to:

You can also make a donation via PayPal at

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