Photo: PSU
Oregonian reporter Jeff Mapes has the scoop on an interesting Portland State University study:
“Jennifer Dill, an urban studies professor, wants to recruit a wide range of cyclists — and lots of them — to tote global positioning system units on their bikes for a 10-day period. She said researchers hope to learn whether cyclists go out of their way to use bike lanes and bicycle-friendly streets and to see how travel habits are affected by such factors as the weather.
Cyclists interested in participating in the study can contact Dill through this e-mail address: bikegps@pdx.edu. She said she’s looking for bicyclists throughout the Portland metropolitan area, although they have to live on the Oregon side of the Columbia River.”
And the last sentence makes a strange reference to cyclists breaking laws:
“Dill also noted that while the GPS unit will track what streets cyclists travel on, it can’t determine whether they’re following traffic laws.”
Hmmm. Not sure what that’s all about.
Sounds like a neat bit of research. Can’t wait to see the results. Read the full article here.