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What’s tango got to do with bikes?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Beaverton Traffic Safety Action
[Bill Alsup (when he’s not
tango dancing).]

Plenty…especially if you’re a tango-dancing-bike-lover like Bill Alsup.

I first met Bill at a share the road rally out in Beaverton but I had no idea he was TangoBiker until I heard about an upcoming benefit for the Community Cycling Center. Let me explain…

According to his website, Bill “TangoBiker” Alsup teaches a basic tango dancing class every Sunday night. This Sunday is the 7th anniversary of that class and Bill has decided to turn the class into a special benefit for the CCC. Turns out that Bill’s fellow tango teacher is Gillian Leichtling, who just so happens to be the partner of CCC Executive Director Susan Remmers.

So I guess that means it’s time to tango for a good cause!

Here are the details:

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