- A reader sent me a link to this very cool tool that displays only the photos of Craigslist categories. Check out what the bike listings look like.
- A solid Sacha White interview from a Swedish clothing company.
- PediGreen makes bright, reflective safety products for bicyclists and pedestrians and they’re based in Hillsboro.
- Came across this interesting recap of a flame war started by local veteran bike activist Sara Stout after an article she wrote in Oregon Cycling Magazine back in 1999. It touched off a huge debate between Critical Massers and vehicular cycling advocates.
- Dan Kaufmann of Crank My Chain! got a nice write-up in the Tribune.
- A StreetsBlog reporter went to Copenhagen and wrote this fantastic article about bicycling in a city where 36% of the people commute by bike.
- “Document your bike, or you can kiss it goodbye,” from The BEE newspaper in southeast Portland.
- Another good BEE article about PDOT’s new bike program for seniors.
- Commissioner Adams’ policy director Maria Thi Mai wrote a recap of her trip to Vegas for the Interbike trade show.
- A new bike shop called Cycling Center is open for business in North Portland.
Thanks to all the readers who sent in these links!