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Cycle Oregon Day 7 – Union to Umatilla

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Cycle Oregon Day 7 (last day!)

Today’s route: 49 miles, 1,300 ft. elevation gain

Today we packed up for the last time and faced a stiff headwind for a short but sweet ride back into Umatilla.

The route rolled through wheat farm country dotted with old barns and back through the Walla Walla onion crops I remembered from our first day.

At the rest stop in a tiny town called Helix (population 183), I noticed this wheat farmer talking with one of the riders. This interaction between spandex-clad cycling city-slickers and tough, old-fashioned farmers is a great part of the Cycle Oregon spirit.

Cycle Oregon Day 7 to Umatilla, OR
[Cheesy finish line shot]

The highlight of the day was seeing the Columbia River Gorge open up before us and riding into Hat Rock State Park for our final rest stop.

I pedaled hard through the wind today, playing a mental game that my girls would be waiting at the finish line. They weren’t there, but my spirits were lifted with a free iced mocha, compliments of Nossa Familia Coffee and Cycle Oregon.

The end of Cycle Oregon was definitely anti-climactic. There were no closing ceremonies or fanfare; just a mad dash to locate your belongings amid a sea of 2000 duffle bags.

This completes my ride reports from Cycle Oregon 2006. I hope you enjoyed my words and photos. I have a few more stories I’d like to share, along with some general impressions of the event, so stay tuned for those.

Click here to see all of my Cycle Oregon photos.

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