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Cycle Oregon Day 4 – Sumpter to Union

Cycle Oregon Day 4-Sumpter to Union

Well, I made it.

Yesterday we left Sumpter and climbed up and over Anthony Lakes pass at 7,400 feet. Now I’m here in Union (population 2,000), yet another charming old town I feel lucky to visit.

We arrived yesterday and today is our layover day. There’s an optional 91 mile ride that I’m sure would have been fun, but I opted to catch up on some things and soak in the local hospitality.

The ride yesterday was tough, but cooler temperatures made it much more comfortable than the previous two days.

Cycle Oregon Day 4-Sumpter to Union
[The climb to
Anthony Lakes]

After a fun rest stop in a place called Granite—where locals tempted us with watermelons and cookbooks— we made our way up into the mountains toward our lunch stop at Anthony Lakes, a popular ski area at 7,400 feet. Due to forest fires in the area, we narrowly averted being re-routed. A last minute decision by the fire crew chief opened the road especially for us.

After some grueling climbs, lunch and picture perfect views were our reward at Anthony Lakes. We devoured our barbecued, pulled-pork sandwiches on the shores of a beautiful lake and rested before tackling a blistering 11 mile downhill into Union.

Cycle Oregon Day 4-Sumpter to Union
[A well-deserved rest
at Anthony Lakes]
Cycle Oregon Day 4-Sumpter to Union
[Bernard and his
slippers at 7,300 ft.]

Before I began the descent, I finally got a chance to talk a bit more with a French guy named Bernard. I’ve been noticing him all week because he’s riding in slippers with flat pedals. Yes, this cool and handsome fellow is having a great time and sees no reason in wearing any other footwear!

Coming down off the mountain we pedaled through a rich, agricultural valley and then battled headwinds for the final few miles into camp at Union.

Cycle Oregon Day 4-Sumpter to Union

We’ve pitched our tents on the football field of Union High School, which is where I’m typing this from right now. The school kids have two days off, just to take care of us.

OK, I’m off to upload this story (and several others). I’ll be logging onto a wireless signal in the front yard of some guy’s house, on an old patio table, underneath an apple tree.

Enjoy more of my photos from Day 4 in the gallery.

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